我们提供:药盒,药盒印刷技术,彩箱印刷 ,食品药品包装、特产礼品包装、工业包装、商务印刷为核心业务
  • the introduction of color printing
  • the introduction of color printing


    The introduction of color printing


    The goal of print metering is:

    1 to become more environmentally responsible.

    2 to reduce excessive paper waste.

    3 to fairly allocate costs to those who use the printers.

    By reducing printing and fairly allocating costs, the print metering system will be consistent with the College's Mission which calls for students, faculty, and staff to be accountable to both self and society.

    Number of Free Pages and Costs Thereafter

    To determine a fair fee for printing, the IT department considered other institution's policies as well as historical costs associated with printing at St. Scholastica.

    We have a new print metering system in place called PaperCut. It will allow you to see what you printed, when you printed it, and where you printed it.  This new system also breaks down the environmental impact of each individuals printing.  It will tell you how many trees your printing has used, how many hours a 60 watt lightbulb would run, and what your carbon footprint is according to the number of pages that you have printed.

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